Thursday, September 27, 2018

How Garage Door Springs End Up Breaking

If you are the owner of a garage door with a broken spring, you might end up wondering how it happened. Garage door springs can be dangerous when they break, so in that regard you might wonder if there was something you could have done differently to prevent the break. Unfortunately, if your garage door spring has broken, it was most likely nothing you did that caused the break, except for opening your garage door a repeatedly over time.

Think of garage door springs like a piece of wire. It can bend two different directions a fair amount of times. However, after enough time of the wire being bent in only those two directions, it will break. The garage door spring are the same way, it expands and contracts to help open your garage door. After enough use, the springs will begin to wear out which can cause breakage.

A broken garage door spring is something that comes about over time; however, you can help slow it down by keeping the springs clean, lubricated, and rust-free! Furthermore, if your springs start to look damaged, such as no longer coiling up nicely or having worn areas, you can have them replaced before they break. As a garage door spring releases a lot of force when it does break, which can cause serious harm.

Speaking of the harm in which a broken spring can cause to either you or a loved one, we ask that you never attempt to change the spring on your own as it is a job for a trained professional. No matter the type of spring, it is coiled with a lot of force, which is what makes it so unsafe when it breaks and should always be handled with a professional’s care.

If you have a broken or near-broken garage door spring that needs replaced, we encourage you to contact us here at Roadrunner Garage Doors. Also, please don’t hesitate to reach out with any questions. Our team of trained garage door technicians takes pride in keeping you safe.

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